A Warrior’s Victories in Real Life

Drives – All car rides are peaceful.

You get in your car and start feeling agitated to angry. You double-down with your predictable self-talk. “Yeah, my boss is an idiot!” or “She’s always like that!” or “I am such a fool!” There may be a nugget of truth, but it explodes far beyond its weight.

Realizing something had inflamed my anger, I intentionally took away the influence the enemy had by rebuking him. “In the name of Jesus I command you out of my car and out of my head. You have no place here. I choose goodness.” At times, it takes more persistence. This time it left. There was an immediate peacefulness in its absence. As a friend says, “It overplayed its hand.”

Disagreement — Christian married couples fight?

The ultimate arsonist shows up, igniting a small flicker into a raging inferno. “She will never respect me! He will always abandon me! I hate him or her.”  STOP!

Maybe this started over how to load the dishwasher, or maybe it began with his or her significant failure. Regardless, evict the flame thrower, and choose kindness, restoration and love. “Lord Jesus, in your name I command the one trying to crush our friendship out of this room. Lord, I invite you into this place right now. I choose to care for the heart of my spouse, and I ask forgiveness for my arrogance or my need to win. Jesus, help us right here and now. Come.”

Darkness, even with the lights on — Spaces can seem holy or dark?

Ever step into a room or a space and it just feels creepy? Did you know that demons go where they are permitted based upon something called authority (a topic for later)? What can you do?

First off, avoid evil spaces, unless you must or choose to enter. If I need to go in I may quietly pray as I enter and again as I leave.

Does it ever feel creepy or dark where you live, maybe after watching a sinister video? You do have authority there.

Some nights I woke up and sensed evil in my home. Starting in the basement, I prayed out everything in my house, room by room, eventually standing over my sleeping children and praying over them especially. When I finally got to our upstairs bedroom, the house seemed brightly illuminated, even though not a light was on.

On days when Lori and I were home alone and she also felt the darkness, she would ask that I blow my shofar, and it made a world of difference. That is for the next class.

Sound crazy? Check it with scripture, then try it. Be valiantly victorious over your accuser. Love to hear your stories below.