Five Simple Steps to a Completely Healed Heart(*)?

(*) If only this were possible

The “me” you meet, whether I know it or not, is revealed through:

  • The impacts and influences of my family of origin, or lack thereof.
  • The vows and agreements from and through which I live.
  • The gender-, socioeconomic-, cultural-, generational-, or political-lenses through which I see and judge the world.
  • The trauma I’ve experienced, whether I can remember it or not.
  • My understanding of and engagement with sex, healthy or otherwise.
  • The lies I believe about myself, and about others.
  • My style of relating.
  • Years of motive-laden self-talk, all too often negative, destructive or angry.
  • My understanding, or lack-thereof, of theology and philosophy.
  • Healthy and unhealthy relationships, including many levels of betrayal.
  • My sin and my old man/woman.
  • And more.

Every person we meet has a story. Heck, you have a story. It is almost shocking that we still survive in spite of them.

So how can we pursue healing and integration, or wholeness? There are many approaches, and our contribution is to allow God to expose the lies that have corrupted your understanding of your true identity and value.

THINK IT TRUE THAT OUR IDENTITIES AND VALUES HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED? As one of many possible tests: How do you react to a compliment? Must you drink-it-in as all too important to define your worth? Do you deflect it because it is impossible that you are “beautiful” or “courageous?” Or, can you genuinely thank them for it, understanding your gifting simply is true?

We invite you onto a journey (each story is unique so your journey will be your own) that allows God to replace the shame inducing lies and accusations with His glorious truths about you. This won’t solve all of your problems, but it can transform your very foundation upon which a new you, the one God intended before you were even born, can emerge.

Want to learn more? You can read the works of John and Stasi Edredge, Dan Allender, or Isaiah 6:1-3 as a start. You can also join us at one of our events where people have used words such as “freedom” and “healing” to summarize what happened there.

The negativity and darkness you have tragically come to believe about yourself, intentionally or otherwise, can be replaced. We’ve seen it in hundreds ourselves, and we’ve seen others awaken it in thousands across the globe.

We welcome your thoughts or reactions below. We also look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming events.