Life right now life is all unicorns and rainbows.  You can sense this overwhelming peace and level of unbridled joy just wandering through social media, enjoying the news, or hanging out at family functions talking politics.

If that weren’t enough, how many of us have this simmering just below the surface? How many can erupt in a nanosecond? How many present a happy face while our “head trash,” you know, that internal speak, is raging?

  • Did you see how that idiot is driving?
  • Incredible how that mother treats her child.
  • Can you believe how that culture lives?
  • People who don’t believe everything I believe are just downright evil.

[I can’t keep writing this stuff. It is making ME tense.]

“. . . I have come that you may have life to the full.”

What is that? Is it even possible? Even if the world were better, I would still feel internal bitterness, or even anger. Truth be told, some days I don’t really like myself.  Frankly, some days, I get so mad at myself.  You talked about head trash, well I say it out loud. “I am an idiot.” “I am ugly.” “I am such a fool.” “I am a pervert.” “I am . . ..”  These words just wash me in negativity, but I don’t know what to do.

“The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy,” and it is a liar at its core.

What if the reasons you feel less about yourself could be exposed? What if the lies that have been shot at you like heart-piercing arrows could be identified? What if the tragic impact of these assaults could be healed? What if you could be set on a path where you could not only like yourself, but love yourself as who you are in Christ. What if you could kill the head trash? What if you quit saying the negative words about yourself because they were no longer true? What if you could experience peace and joy, even if the world is still full of craziness?  What if there was hope?

This is not a magic bullet, but there is a journey towards healing that can change the trajectory from crushing to hope. If you start and then genuinely give God permission to father you in a way you’ve maybe never known before, maybe majestic things could happen. Maybe the stories of others could become your story.  Just maybe.

This is why I Am Done exists. We welcome you to learn more.