What Makes Beauty, Beauty?

Ever “see” a women whose heart is so stunning she cannot but radiate beauty, love, tenderness, goodness, and might?

Youth presents its own form of beauty, but a woman in her sixties, eighties or even at one hundred can radiate a loveliness that moves hearts. So what makes beauty, beauty?

Beauty, as designed by God, infuses all of creation. It reflects His heart, His character, His desire. Even after devastation, wild flowers push up from the burned forest floor.  No matter how darkness tries to eradicate beauty, it finds ways to reveal itself.

What does beauty do to a heart? When words are insufficient to alleviate deep pain, beauty can offer solace, comfort and hope. It can wrap its arms around us, awakening something in our hearts only it can stir. It speaks to our souls in profound ways, even stopping us in our tracks. It is a glimpse into God’s own heart.

But beauty is assaulted because it is so wonderful for good. It gets twisted, damaged, and judged. It is used to accuse and it can create deep disappointment. Beauty can also be misused by those without discretion. All of this is the work of our enemy, of our world, and of greedy mankind.

You are too thick, too old, too thin, too black, too imperfect, too asian, to not-what-the-magazines-are-screaming-as-desirable, too pale, too white, too . . .

To make matters worse, marketing is DESIGNED to inculcate deep personal disappointment that demands people buy anything that will make them acceptable, desirable, even better than others. Only this cream, this hair color, this outfit, this look, this body type, this . . . will make me acceptable, maybe even captivating? Even worse, beauty has been the source of such pain that some women bury it, refuse it, despise it, hide it, choosing control and efficiency instead.

What does God want for you? He wants you to know Him at such a personal level (Jer 24:7) to where you experience His boundless love (Rom 5:8, 1 Jn 3:1 and countless others). Then, He wants to heal you, to set you free (IS 61:1-3) from the lies and accusations that you are “too much” and “not enough”. Once this occurs, you can  begin to accept that you truly are beautiful. You can tenderly and securely allow your heavenly Father to reveal the beauty He designed in you before the beginning of time. Then, you will begin to understand what makes your beauty, your beauty.

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