Become a #FreedomAlly on #TuesdayGiving

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and now Giving Tuesday. Today focuses on giving to nonprofit organizations that move the needle in ways important to you. Value our work of bringing emotional freedom to men, women, and teens? Donate today.

Donate; Become a Freedom Ally

Click Above to Become a Freedom Ally, either One-Time or Monthly.

  • For $99, scholarship an individual to a one-day event.
  • For $249, scholarship an individual to a weekend event.
  • Become a One-Time- or Monthly-Ally

Our 2018 budget is just under $250,000, and we’ve just started towards that goal. Help us make a difference. You can learn more about us at We truly appreciate your support.

How Might Our Work Impact Our World?

Who would desire to live a genuinely rich, full life, riddled with joy, even through times of trial and challenge? Who would love to be their authentic self, not the one they have to live to survive?  How would a man intentionally and joyfully loving his wife or children change the world? How would a woman feel if she could reveal the beauty of her heart, soul and appearance with confidence and peace, whether as doctor or as a mom? How much would the outpouring of freedom change a life, a marriage, a family, a community? Check here for testimonials.


Gives and Gets

Previously I discussed the value and power of the question, “What would a great leader, parent, employee, friend, etc. do?” and that questions can drive cultures and decisions, but what other questions could shape our hearts and motives?

Circumstances arise: a promotion, a birth, a confrontation, a divorce, a death.

If the experience feels good, we rarely ask God “What am I to learn in this?”
If the experience hurts, we tend to ask God “What did I do to deserve this?”

What if, in either circumstance, we asked, “Father, what are You teaching me in this [my get]?” and “What am I to offer [my give]?”

In moments of anguish or anger it is hard enough to breathe let alone think, and God uses all for the good of those who love Him, He says he disciples us as a loving father, and He occasionally turns up the heat to remove our dross so we can look ever more like Him.

So what questions can we ask in circumstances, hard or delightful?

Lord, you just provided me this huge promotion. Am I to receive it with loose hands to advance your kingdom, or am I to learn how to live humbly with abundance?

Lord, there is a tragedy in my family. What do I need to offer in this moment?

Lord, my spouse just harshly attacked me with his or her words. You really want me to love them back? This is hard, what are you trying to change in me?

Lord, my wife just died. Can you hold me? Can you give me the energy to lead my family? Can you teach me what I’ll need to move forward? Lord, what do You want me to learn about my faith through this?

I know this can be difficult, and if we are serious about our faith and who we want to become in Christ, ask what my friend calls the “Give and Get” questions to grow and to change.

The cool part is that He will then gently and kindly transform us. Think so? Share your comments below.


Thank You

Husbands who died shielding their wives, women who gathered others to freedom, unnamed civilians who went back into danger to get people to safety, those who shook in fear but still fought to live, our first responders who ran into gunfire to save the wounded, an officer who was off duty but died serving others, a woman and her family who ran over 8 miles in terror,  stories of sacrifice, honor, survival and love.

These are examples of our true heart, how strangers literally fought FOR each other’s survival. This has also been evident in how people have come together in Irma, Harvey, and Maria.

We grieve greatly for those who have lost or who have endured wounding and must endure recovery.

We stand against the evil.

We thank all who sacrificed so lovingly for others.

We are so proud of so many of you.

We are praying for those who have lost and whose lives have been forever changed.

With very wounded hearts we say thank you. 

This photo is from a media source (we will remove if needed).